Pittsburgh, PA
The first week of November, I held Christmas mini sessions with an adorable old Ford pickup truck. One of my participants was Tawney - my older sister's best friend, and practically another older sister to me. Tawney was bringing her boyfriend and their two dogs, and I couldn't wait to take their photos with my cute set up.
A few weeks before our mini session, Tawney's boyfriend, Brad, messaged me. His messaged read: "I have a ring ordered that, if it gets here on time, I plan on giving to Tawney at the photo shoot. Would you be alright with that?" And, naturally, as any adopted little sister would, I screamed. And screamed again. And then had to make sure that yes, he did indeed mean an engagement ring.
However, in typical 2020 fashion, we found out the next week that the ring was not scheduled to arrive in time for our holiday mini session. So of course, there began the scheming. Brad and I worked in secret for two weeks to come up with the perfect plan, which went like this: we would do the holiday mini session as planned, and afterwards, I would message Tawney and apologize profusely and explain that the photos of them and the dogs didn't turn out as well as expected (which, in retrospect, was actually partly true - those doggos wanted absolutely nothing to do with the truck, and looked terrified in most of the photos) and that I wanted to offer her a redo of sorts in order to get better photos for their Christmas cards. It was then that Brad would pop the question and it all would be documented with my camera!
And, miraculously, this plan worked! Despite the ring delay, a COVID scare, another reschedule due to weather, poorly forecasted rain on the day or our second reschedule, and extremely uncooperative doggos - she said YEEESSSS! And they even put together a sweet holiday set-up on their back porch at the last minute when the yard turned out to be a swamp due to the rain. All in all, major success.
Now, anyone else down for a surprise proposal? If so - hit me up. Because they have absolutely become my new favorites to shoot. Check out the photos below to understand why! :)