Family looking at artwork in the home Pittsburgh PA

Making the Most of Your Photos

So we had an amazing time together taking your family photos - everything went off without a hitch, it was relaxed and fun and easy (easier than you thought, even!). So what now? When do you get your photos? Will they come in a gallery? How long will it take? So many questions, which I will answer below!

What is a Reveal and Order appointment?

Your R&O is a separate appointment that we schedule for 2-3 weeks after your actual photo session. We meet back up and this will be the first time you are seeing the beautiful photos that you and your family took together, and it's an absolutely amazing moment. You get to relive the fun memories you made and really take a look at how your family has grown and blossomed, and how we have captured that together. We may have a few snacks, some adult beverages, and we relax and enjoy. This is when you will decide which photos and heirlooms you are going to invest in, and how you would like to display them!

Where do we do the R&O?

Most often, I will either come to you and we will do your R&O at your house, or we'll meet back up at one of my favorite local studios. Both options have pros and cons, and it is ultimately up to you to decide what works best for your family.

In the Home

If I come to your home, I will hook my laptop up to your TV so you can see your photos large and in charge for the first time. This is convenient for my clients, because it doesn't require any travel and I bring everything with me. It's also really helpful when choosing your heirlooms and artwork; since we are already in your space, you can easily visualize how certain photos/artwork will look on your walls when you are standing in fronf of them! However, it can get tricky if there are little ones involved - I suggest having someone home to occupy the kiddos while we do the R&O because you are going to be making some big decisions, and you don't want to have to worry about Cheeto dust on the couch during this time.

In the Studio

If we meet up at one of my favorite Pittsburgh studios, the process is mostly the same - I reveal your photos for the first time on the big screen, we chat, eat some snacks, and enjoy the show. This does require travel for you; however, it does allow for less distractions in the home when making big decisions about which photos and heirlooms you are investing in. (Side note: if we meet at the studio, I always suggest making a little date night out of it - how often do you get to leave the kiddos at home?!).

A third option, if needed, is doing our R&O over a Zoom call. This is typically reserved only for clients who are out-of-town, because it's much harder to decide on heirloom artwork when you aren't able to hold and feel them in your hands.

Why do we need the R&O?

Every aspect of the KM4Photography experience is intentional and customized to each client. I walk my clients through every step of the way, and I surely will not leave you hanging at the end - just when it gets good! The R&O allows me to help my clients choose the photos and heirlooms that they truly love and connect with, that hold the most meaning to them. Each piece of artwork is custom designed by me, as is every album. I bring samples of every heirloom product that I offer to the R&O, so that you can see, feel, touch, and admire in person. This is critical, so you can really get a feel for what speaks to you. At the R&O appointment, I can help my clients decide which walls are best suited for their photos, which type of wall art design fits best with their decor, etc. This is often an overwhelming decision, which is why I make sure to guide my clients through it with the least amount of stress.