Family Photos at Moraine State Park
This family was seriously one of the most fun I've had photographing. How can it not be when you've got a sassy almost-four-year-old, twin 6 monthers, and a sweet senior pup with only one eye?!
Carlie and Ryan are super parents, I'm convinced. They hopped out of the car with two carseats, a baby on each hip, about 4 bags, and Carlie was even wearing wedges the whole time. *Super parents*
Our visit to Moraine was full of adorable moments captured between the family, a little bit of bribery, a few tears when some unwilling toes touched the grass, and chasing the dog away from the lake (several times). I couldn't have asked for a more entertaining or sweet family to photograph. And seriously, just look at that outfit coordination. I couldn't have done it better myself! *insert heart eyes emoji*
My favorite moment from this family shoot was when about half way through, Rylie, our sassy almost-four-year-old leading lady, had had enough of the photo business. She ran off into the field and collapsed dramatically with a few muffled sobs over her shoulder. Obviously familiar with this routine, dad walked by nonchalantly (baby on one hip and car seat in the other hand) and said without a touch of sarcasm and shaking his head slightly, "It's so hard being four."
I hope you enjoy scrolling these beautiful photos of this adorable family as much as I had taking them!